French 8, French 9, Band 8

Madame Douglas Room 108

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Grade 9 French
Students should be studying for the Unite 9 examens which are happening Thursday, May 19th and Friday, May 20th.  Vocabulary!!!  Prendre, Mettre, Imperatives, Culture~  all of Unite 9!
Dream House:  Past due!!  If you have not handed it in, you are now late, and I will be making phone calls home as of May 24th!!!

Grade 8 French
Students should be preparing for the Unite 5 examens for next week-  May 26th and 27th.  Then we start preparing for the final exam which is cumulative:  it covers everything we have learned this year!!!

TEXT BOOKS:  We are missing 12 (twelve) (Douze!!!) text books, and they must come back!  If anyone has any suggestions as to how to motivate those people who have texts at home, I would be delighted to hear them!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May~ half done!

Grade 9 French:  Dream House is due this week
                            Unite 9 examen is Thursday/Friday~  make it easy on yourself and STUDY!!!
                              - vocab, imperatives, mettre, prendre
                            Verb Review sheets are done

Grade 8 French: Family trees are overdue, Lecon B Vocab sheet,           
                           Unite 5 Examen will be the week of May 24

Band 8:  Thursday June 9th is our Pina Colada Concert.  Plan on being involved from about 4:30 pm for set up in the court yard, concert and refreshments at 6, then Senior Band Concert.  IF the Canucks are in a play off game that night, we will bump the concert up to an earlier time so we can be done in time to watch the game!!!!