French 8, French 9, Band 8

Madame Douglas Room 108

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14-18th

Grade 8 French: 
Unité 4, Leçon B:  Homework due next day - G & V sheets on regular  IR verbs
You should also be working on your Vocabulary sheets for Vocabulaire for Leçon B
You should also be reviewing all subject pronouns:  Je, Tu, Il, Elle, On, Nous, Vous, Ils, Elles
and verbs:  regular ER verbs, aller, avoir, and the new verbs- regular IR verbs

Grade 9 French:
Unité 8, You should be reviewing all verbs:  regular ER, IR, aller, avoir, etre, RE, vouloir, pouvoir, préférer and acheter verbs
both classes are also working on the food menus, shopping lists and dialogues for the picnic for 10 people.
Letès have a great week before Spring Break- woohoo!