French 8, French 9, Band 8

Madame Douglas Room 108

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thank goodness!

Excellent, we have made it to the second round!  Now let's take advantage of the breather and focus on working hard on our dream houses and family trees!

Grade 8:  We are studying the Family. Your  project, due the first week of May, is to create your Family tree, labelled in French. 

Grade 9:  Work on learning all the vocabulary for Unite 9- La Maison.  Your term project is to create your dream home.  You may build it, design in on the web, do a power point, draw it~  create!  You must use all the nouns on the vocabulary list, and label it clearly in French.  Due the 3rd week of May.

We have lots to learn still, so let's knuckle down for this last term and work hard!

Mme. Douglas

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Weekend

Wishing all of my students and their families a very Happy Easter Long Weekend!!

Don't forget NOT to come to school on Monday!

Mme. Douglas

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Grade 8 French:  Examen Unité 4,  Monday or Tuesday,  mind maps of Unité 4 due same day

Grade 9 French:  Examen Unité 8,  Monday or Tuesday, study sheets due same day

Reminder to all students that the marks for your interim reports have been submitted, but several of you still owe assignments.  These assignments must be handed in, or performed, as the case may be.  Please be responsible for your learning!  Make sure everything is done well and handed in!  Did I mention everything needs to be handed in?

Happy studying!
Mme. Douglas

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

End of Term Three- April 8!

Grade 8 French:  Make sure you have handed in your "IR" verb worksheets, your schedules work, your classroom map, the Unite 4 Lecon B Vocab sheet, and you have written both the Lecon A and B quizzes.
Also be sure your 'sandwich' work was complete!

Grade 9 French:  Be sure you have written both of the Lecon A and B quizzes for Unite 8.  Also please be sure you have handed in all worksheets and assignments from the term.  See Mme Douglas if you are not sure what you are missing.

Note to ALL French students:  We MUST find all the missing text books.  Check your locker, backpack, bedroom~ please check everywhere, as these texts are hugely expensive and must be returned ASAP!
Merci beaucoup!

Mme. Douglas